Florida Youth Outdoor Experience in Ocala May 12
Alligator petting, archery, gun ranges, fishing dock, frog gigging and more!
United Waterfowlers of Florida is once again sponsoring it’s 2012 “Florida Youth Outdoor Experience” at the Ocala Youth camp on Lake Eaton on Saturday, May 12.
FWC is again co-sponsoring the free to the public event, which is expected to draw several hundred participants.
The Florida Youth Outdoor Experience will be held from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the FWC Ocala Conservation Center located at 7325 NE 170 Avenue in Silver Springs, Fla. Registrants can check in starting at 8 a.m.
Seminars start every 30 minutes and will include: live archery, shotgun, rifle and air gun ranges, alligator hunting, deer still hunting, dog hunting in Florida, first aid/survival, fishing dock provided by the FWC, frog gigging, hog hunting with Southern Life’s Chaz Penwright, outdoor photography, fur trapping with the Florida Trappers Association, turkey hunting, waterfowl hunting and identification, bird dogs, call making, fly casting and tying, wildlife displays, live alligator petting and more!
For registration and other information: email Chuck Echenique at huntmstr@tampabay.rr.com or call 813-918-7610. Please include your name, the names of all children in your party, an email address and a telephone number where you can be reached. Or you can register online at: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=fqsu6ldab&oeidk=a07e5na157ea07251b6