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Quail-hunting regulations change at Babcock-Webb WMA

For immediate release: November 8, 2011
Media contact: Gary Morse, 863-648-3200

Quail-hunting regulations change at Babcock-Webb WMA

With significant public support from hunters, quail-harvest regulations on Babcock-Webb Wildlife Management Area (WMA) in Charlotte County have been modified by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC).

Beginning with the 2011-2012 hunting season on Babcock-Webb WMA, harvest will be limited to 15 percent of the pre-hunting-season quail population estimate, to ensure sustainability with a goal of increasing the population. Consequently, the number of daily quail quota permits available to hunters during the 2011-2012 season will be 432, down from 856 in the previous hunting season.

Along with this reduction in harvest, the FWC has adjusted the current days open to the taking of quail on Babcock-Webb to Wednesdays and Saturdays only, at the request of area sportsmen.
Bird dog training is allowed in the recreational area from Sept. 17 through Feb. 12, and during the small game season in zones A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H on those days when daily quail harvest permits are not issued.

Modifications to harvest regulations on Babcock-Webb WMA got almost unanimous support from sportsmen who attended public meetings or responded to requests for public comment on the changes.

If you’d like more information on quail hunting at Babcock-Webb WMA visit MyFWC.com/Hunting (click on “WMA Brochures”) or call the FWC regional office in Lakeland at 863-648-3200.